Sunday, February 17, 2013

For Starters...

Forgive me if I got too excited to make an initial post without anything meaningful in mind. But my brain just convinced me about the dire need to publicize a beginning entry. Alright, for starters, my blog has been a dream for ages; mostly this year when I stumbled across several realizations about my purpose in life. Yes! That includes this blog. This blog will serve as a stepping stone towards the greater garden I have in store for everyone similar to my lifestyle. And I tell you, there are endless possibilities that you, dear reader, and I can have in common.

That said, I first want to indulge in ideas, events, and feature-worthy articles that can feed our curious souls, nurse or civilian. Eventually, I will be working on this exciting and hopefully useful website for nurses of all kinds. By now you may already be questioning about the title I chose. Yes, Nursception. Believe me, I'm but extremely excited in telling you the meanings the website name holds. However, I won't be bursting the bubble today. So, please wait for my next entry, okay?

At this point, I am quite aware, though, that there wouldn't be anyone reading this part of the blog - main reason why I'm going head start into encouraging myself with this. :)

And since I mentioned there's not much essence to this initial post, do allow me to just ease the tension by posting a go-go photo of myself.

Ta-dah! Sorry for scaring you at this hour. XD But don't worry, the next pictures you will be viewing will, I'm certain, be less about me.

Alright, there we go. I guess that's it for now. Let's meet up again in a few days for the introductory articles! Have a productive week ahead! :)


Anonymous said...

well, i'm reading it lyk..hoping to see you soon..

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